The Lutheran church has a rich tradition of music in worship. We incorporate a wide variety of music into our worship services at ALC.
Some Sundays we use a very traditional worship setting with traditional hymns.
Sometimes we use a newer worship setting and newer hymns.
Other Sundays, we sing contemporary worship songs led by our Praise Team.
Once a month, our chime choir provides special music for our worship service.
Our Sunday school children sing in worship occasionally throughout the year, and they perform a Christmas program for us every December.
Members and friends of the congregation often share special music through instrumental or vocal solos or small groups.
Occasionally, we have outside groups share their special music with us. In recent years, groups from Jesup High School, Wartburg College, and the Brandon Choir have all shared their musical gifts with us at worship services.
Sometimes we might sing songs that are very meaningful to you, and sometimes we might sing songs that are very meaningful to your neighbor. By using a variety of music, we all help each other experience meaningful music and grow in our faith.
If you are interested in sharing your musical gifts by joining the praise team or the chime choir, or by sharing an anthem of special music during a worship service, please let us know!