Jesus Christ calls American Lutheran Church to nourish the world by faithfully sharing His gifts.
God is at work in us and through us to bring God's love to our local community and to the entire world.
We are one of many congregations of the Northeastern Iowa Synod, which is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Our Mission Support offerings go to fund many ministries of the Northeastern Iowa Synod and the ELCA
In addition, we join with the other congregations in the Jesup area to form the Jesup Ministerial Alliance, which works together to provide community worship services; summer lunch programs; funds for assistance with rent, food, and gas; community wide Vacation Bible School, and other programs.
We host a Prayer Shawl knitting and crocheting group that provides prayer shawls to members of the Jesup community and to area hospitals. If you know of someone who could benefit from a prayer shawl, please contact Sharon McAtee.
Our women's group makes quilts, health kits, school kits, and fabric kits that are sent around the world through Lutheran World Relief.
We collect donations of food and money for the Independence Area Food Pantry.
We send financial support and campers to EWALU Bible Camp.
We send Christmas gifts to the residents of Bremwood Lutheran Home, a ministry of Lutheran Services in Iowa, which we also support financially.
We send financial support to ELCA World Hunger, Lutheran Disaster Response, Habitat for Humanity, Lutheran Chaplaincy Outreach, and to the Young Adults in Global Mission program in our companion synod of Hungary.
We are always seeking ways to live out our mission and nourish our community, state, country and world. Check our Facebook page to see what we've been up to recently!