Our worship services are held every Sunday at 10:00 am, as well as Wednesdays at 7pm during the season of Lent. We are located at 522 Purdy Street, Jesup, Iowa.
Our accessibility addition, added to the church building in 2009, includes a ramp outside the church and an elevator inside, so that the church building is accessible to all people, regardless of mobility issues.
Our worship services usually last about an hour, and always include prayers, Bible readings, and music.
We like variety in worship. Some Sundays we use a very traditional worship setting with traditional hymns. Sometimes we use a newer worship setting and newer hymns. Other Sundays, we sing contemporary worship songs led by our Praise Team.
Sometimes we might sing songs that are very meaningful to you, and sometimes we might sing songs that are very meaningful to your neighbor. By using a variety of music, we all help each other experience meaningful music and grow in our faith.
Some people dress up to worship at ALC, and others dress down. You are welcome to worship wearing whatever makes you comfortable.
We currently serve Holy Communion on the first, third, and fifth Sundays of the month.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the host of this meal, and he invites all people to his table, so we practice open communion. That means that all the baptized are welcome to receive communion, regardless of your church membership. We currently offer communion instruction to 5th graders. Younger visitors who have already communed are welcome to receive communion here as well.
We believe that everything we have is a gift from God, so every Sunday we give a financial offering of what God has first given us. This offering is used to fund the ministries of God at American Lutheran Church and beyond our doors.
Every Sunday during the school year (September - May) the children pass around empty soup cans to take up a “noisy offering” of pocket change. The noisy offering is distributed to various mission projects ranging from the local food pantry to international disaster relief.
Children are especially welcome in our worship services. We incorporate children into our worship service in a variety of ways. Every Sunday has a special children’s message, and the children dismiss us from worship each week. Children’s activity bags for use during worship are available on the usher’s stand.
And if your children make some noise (as all children do from time to time), please know that we are still grateful for the presence of these beloved members of the body of Christ.
Sunday school for children age 3 through 6th grade meet every other Wednesday at 6:15pm during the months of September through April. All community children are welcome to join. for exact schedule please see our calendar on this web site.
You can become a member at American Lutheran Church by:
*Being baptized here
*Transferring your membership from another congregation
*Affirmation of faith (for those who have been baptized but who are not currently members at another congregation)
Contact the secretary at secretary@americanlutheranjesup.org if you are interested in becoming a member.
Voting members of American Lutheran Church are confirmed members who are age 18 or older and who have received communion and given a financial offering to the church sometime in the last two years. All voting members are eligible to vote in the annual congregational meeting, held every January, and at any special congregational meetings.
Members who are received into the congregation but who have not been confirmed at another congregation may receive an adult confirmation instruction (basically an informal conversation about the Lutheran church and its teachings) with Pastor Kristen so that they can be voting members.
All financial offerings to the church that are given in a way that is recordable (meaning, via a giving envelope or via a check with the person’s address on it) will be recorded by the financial secretary, and all givers (whether they are members or not) will receive a giving statement at the end of the year.
All members, as well as friends of the congregation, are invited to receive our monthly newsletter, the Lamp, via email or snail mail. Click here to download the latest issue of the Lamp.
We also encourage you to follow our Facebook page.